Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mario M

This song is a bit out of this blog's realm, but some of my discoveries lately have made me want to break down the genre barriers I put on myself for this blog. Mario M creates a great blend of beautiful ambient and piano scapes combined with D&B- drum and bass. This is one of those songs that your laptop speakers won't do justice.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Patrick O'Hearn

Lia has been playing this song over the past few months and every time I asked her who the artist was I forgot to write it down. I finally got around to exploring Patrick O'Hearn's ambient collection and have been very impressed. Especially with this track, it's so ethereal, and it brings back great memories for me.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

One Year Later/ Siberian Islands

This is wild. Today of all days, I decided to breathe life back into this blog. Today is October 20th, 2013 and I just noticed that my last blog entry was October 20th, 2012. I'm going to take that as some sort of sign that resurrecting this blog was meant to be. I took the time to look back at some of the comments people have made over the past year and it inspired me to start sharing my musical discoveries once more. I've been lucky to come across some great groups who have posted their music in response to my entries. One group reached out to me back in May, they go by the name of Siberian Islands. They are a "two-piece outfit that combines retro sounds with ambient, 8-bit tunes, breakbeat and loads of real instruments." This is great stuff, definitely refreshing and exactly what I needed to hear today. You can listen to their entire album on Bandcamp and find a higher quality version of this song there as well. Enjoy and I'm excited to get this going again!

(Listen in 480p)