Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lights Out Asia. Revisited.

The very first post of this blog was Lights Out Asia. And now I return to the Milwaukee based trio because their album Hy-Brasil is going to be released on June 5th! (Although it has already leaked on the internet somehow).Lights Out Asia has continually amazed me since I first heard “Radars Over the Ghosts of Chernobyl” four years ago. They have been in my top five ever since. Their last album, In the Days of Jupiter, was my least favorite album so far and I didn’t quite know which direction they would move after that, but this album is their best so far. I have a feeling it’s going to consume me for the next few months. This album will take you elsewhere, hopefully to the mythical fog cloaked island it’s named after. This song and video absolutely blew me away.

Watch in HD!