Tuesday, August 31, 2010

July Skies

July Skies puts you at the exact place where the ocean meets the horizon, where water touches air, where Earth's atmosphere meets space. Listen to this track as you fall asleep and see where your mind takes you.

Download coming soon.

July Skies is an ambient / post-rock band from The Black Country, West Midlands, UK. The project started off as a one-man band in 1997, when Antony Harding bought his first guitar. In 2003 he was joined by Epic45’s musicians Ben Holton and Rob Glover, who contributed to Harding’s second, third and fourth albums as well as July Skies’ live shows.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Jakob: Dark and mellow post-rock made in New Zealand. Listen to this to multiply your depression by two or just get lost in the incredible atmosphere that this band creates.

Download here: Jakob-Oran Mor

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


The Quiet Ambient is a look into several post rock and instrumental genres. Some of the music may be more experimental, downtempo, dark, or even doomy. The point is to help everybody expand their musical tastes and make some musical discoveries. A lot of post rock is too slow for many, but I believe if you give it a chance it captures the imagination and sparks something deep inside. Enjoy.

"The post-rock sound incorporates characteristics from a variety of musical genres, including ambient, jazz, electronica, and experimental. The traditional method of power chords is replaced with timbre and texture for guitar-play while the song and voice is abandoned by its ambience. The rebellious overtones of rock as we remember it is no longer the theme for post-rock groups. In fact, utilizing dub reggae, hip hop, and rave, post-rock manages to create an androgynous and softer means of subversion."

I will leave you all with one of my favorites, Lights Out Asia.

Download here: Lights Out Asia- Psiu! Puxa!

Lights Out Asia is a downtempo and post-rock musical project that was formed in early 2003 when Chris Schafer and Mike Ystad (both members of Aurore Rein) decided to work on music together. Recording in bedrooms and basements, the duo had written and constructed a dozen songs on Mike’s laptop by summertime. Thus was born ‘Garmonia’, Lights Out Asia’s first documented recording as a band. ‘Garmonia’ found itself in the willing arms of Sun Sea Sky Productions, and Lights Out Asia found themselves ready to play live shows.